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承包商 Insurance

Constructing the ideal insurance coverage.

承包商 insurance written by Universal Group, Ltd.

承包商 insurance isn’t one-size-fits-all. 一个专门的政策允许您轻松地定制和简化您的保险范围,以确保您的企业的独特需求得到保护.

Coverage for every type of contractor.

专业承包商保险政策是一种涵盖多种风险的简单方法,而不必满足于一刀切的政策,因为这种政策会在你不需要的保险上浪费钱. 根据您的企业所从事的承包工作类型,有多种选择. From general contractors to HVAC technicians, 水管工, 木匠, 电工, 画家, 诸如此类, 专业承包商保险可以确保您的业务有适当的覆盖范围.

The benefits of general liability for contractors.

一个好的政策包括一般责任,包括你在现场或在你自己的场所对游客造成的损害或伤害的索赔. 这些费用可能是巨大的,如果你想竞标政府合同,一般责任保险通常是强制性的.

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Commercial General Liability Coverage

As a contractor, your business may be susceptible to many risks, such as claims due to bodily injury, property damage, personal injury, 和更多的. 和, if you hire other contractors to perform work on your behalf, you can be held responsible for any damage they cause on the job.


商业一般责任保险对每一个承包商来说都是绝对必要的. This type of protection provides broad coverage for premises, 操作, 产品, 当你被认为有责任和义务时,向第三方或财产提出索赔. It will also pay to defend any covered lawsuit or action regardless of its merit.

Commercial Property Coverage

当火灾发生时, 盗窃, or another type of disaster strikes, your commercial property and everything within it can suffer a significant loss. This can have a detrimental effect on your business.


商业财产保险可以帮助保护企业拥有和租赁的财产, including things like equipment, 库存, 家具, 及设施. Whether you own your building or lease your workspace, 商业财产保险可以单独购买,也可以与其他必要的保险相结合,以保护企业的实物资产.

承包商s' Equipment Coverage

You’re constantly moving your tools from one job site to another, exposing your contractor business to potential loss due to damage or 盗窃. 如果没有专业的工具和设备,你的工作现场可能会戛然而止.


As a contractor, 你需要承包商的设备保险——一种专门为你的工具和设备在移动中提供保护的政策. The policy will cover equipment for a variety of losses, including fire, 爆炸, 破坏公物, 盗窃, collision with other equipment or objects and overturning. Unlike standard commercial property insurance policies, 承包商的设备保险通常包括洪水和地震造成的损失.

Builders Risk and Installation Insurance

正在建造的建筑物不包括在标准的建筑物保险单或家庭保险单中,因为它不是一个完整的结构. As a contractor, 您可能要负责与在建建筑物有关的独特损失风险,例如建筑材料和高价值设备(如发电机和压缩机)被盗.


建筑商风险和安装保险为正在施工的房屋或建筑物提供保险, until they are completed. 该政策涵盖了承包商在施工现场安装材料之前对材料的权益, 为承包商的设备保险指定的运输中的建筑材料-一种专门的政策和正在建造的财产的价值,直到它完成.

Workers’ Compensation

如果你的员工受伤或生病,由于与工作有关的事件, you are required by law to have the proper coverage in place.


雇员补偿保障雇员在受雇期间因工受伤或生病. This coverage is required by law and may vary by area, 所以一定要了解你在所有经营业务的实体场所以及你雇佣员工的实体场所所承担的义务.

Business Auto Insurance

作为承包商,您有许多与您的业务车辆相关的风险敞口——拥有的或租用的. With a fleet of cars, 卡车, 货车, or other types of vehicles used in the course of business, 一个单一的事故可能会使你的承包商业务陷入财务危机.


商业汽车保险为承包商拥有或租赁的车辆提供保险,并为身体伤害提供保险, property damage, and other exposures, and could include comprehensive and collision coverage as well.

Hold Harmless / Additional Insureds

如果你在一个涉及其他承包商和供应商的建筑项目中担任承包商, 你可能要对其他承包商或供应商造成的任何损害或伤害负责, leaving you with costly legal fees and settlement costs. Your business needs to be protected against the risk of some other company, 对你们共同客户的人员或财产造成损害的供应商或分包商.


考虑与每个实体签订一份合同,其中包括一份对你有利的无害协议. 保持无害协议规定,该实体将使您免受因其疏忽造成的任何伤害或损害. 除了, 合同应该要求保险公司将你列为他们保险单上的附加被保险人. 如果你在诉讼中被点名,根据他们的政策,这可能会为你提供伤害或损害的保险.

Commercial Umbrella / Excess Insurance

Losses and lawsuits are quite common in the construction business, and settlements can be substantial. If your business is found to be responsible for damage or injury on the job site, 你可能会面临超过你的标准保单的基本限额的巨大责任损失.


你应该考虑购买商业伞形保险,它提供更高的限额, typically between $2,000,000元及10元,000,000, and often broadened coverages. Coverage is extended over various policies, including general liability insurance, business auto, and directors and officers liability insurance.

Protection for the equipment you use.

You should also make sure that you protect your stock, 机械, and equipment against damage or loss from fire, 盗窃, 洪水, and other risks, both on-site and off-site. Just as importantly, 如果你因为设备损坏而无法工作,你需要购买保险以防止收入损失.

Coverage for your employees.

Remember also to get workers’ compensation insurance, 这通常是强制性的,并保护员工免受工伤造成的收入损失和医疗费用. 考虑到建筑工程固有的风险,你可能会担心工人赔偿政策的成本会很高, but many insurers will offer discounts if you follow safety programs.


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